1 min readOct 24, 2017
What I Learnt Today
- your body is the most accurate measure of how you feel. listen to it.
- monogamy is a social construct.
- guilt is a strong aphrodisiac.
- people don’t care about each other as much as they care about airbrushed bodies of famous women.
- if you knew what you were doing with your life, you might be bored.
- hugs are sexy and terrifying at the same time.
- if you want to fall in love, try by starting with yourself.
- sadness can, and will follow you everywhere, like a dog you turned away returning with dead birds to leave at your doorstep.
- fuck belonging to rightist parties, yogic clubs, fuck karmic exchanges at the bank or belonging in the arms of your lover — start by belonging to your consciousness.
- spending time with yourself will exhaust you. do it anyway.